Surprising Reasons To See Your Physio

13th January 2022

A visit to the physio is often at the front of your mind when you tear a muscle or wake up with a stiff neck, however, there are many other conditions that you might be surprised to hear physiotherapists can help with. Here are a few that you may not be aware of.


Respiratory Problems


Physiotherapists are one of the first ports of call to help clear a chest infection, particularly for the very young, elderly and those with chronic conditions such as cystic fibrosis. Your physiotherapist can assist with drainage, breathing cycles and physical percussion techniques to help you breathe easier. 




Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo is a specific type of vertigo caused by loose microcrystals in the inner ear, resulting in dizziness when the head is turned in different positions. Your physiotherapist can give you exercises to relocate these crystals and regain your balance. Physiotherapists can also help with habituation exercises to help manage other types of vertigo and improve symptoms of dizziness. 


Neurological Conditions


Strokes, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injuries and head injuries are all conditions that your physiotherapist has been trained to treat. In the private practice setting, they are particularly helpful at stretching the tight muscles affected and providing specially tailored strengthening exercises. 




For one in three women, incontinence is an ongoing problem after childbirth and one that has a huge impact on quality of life. Your physiotherapist is well versed in teaching pelvic floor exercises, which can help you regain control.


Developmental Delays, balance and Incoordination


For some children, balance and coordination don’t come easily. Your physiotherapist can prescribe exercises to assist with improving balance and coordination for people of any age. 


This article is not intended to replace medical advice. Speak to your therapist for more information on how physiotherapy might be able to help you.